I am extremely saddened…After a long time when i stopped downloading music, i decided to catch up a bit. I was delighted to find some gooood news as well as baaaaaaaaaaad. Firstly, the period i stopped downloading music, H&MC had released an album + a single! cant believe i never knew. After readng a bit… Continue reading Maakii leaves High and Mighty Color….
Comments have been wiped, accidently…
unfortunate news everyone, as i was deleting spam comments i accidently pressed a delete all button which has resulted in wiping out all the comments that have been posted till date. Im so sorry! will be supper careful next time. Those comments will remain in my heart forver (not like there were heeps, haha) but… Continue reading Comments have been wiped, accidently…
Back from Port Stephens!
My uncle and auntie come down to aussie land as part of their honey moon and we went down to port stephens and stayed over for the weekend. The trip started off pretty good, until i slowly noticed….that i went totally unprepared!! On the way i started playing psp, however, the batterys were already at… Continue reading Back from Port Stephens!
Im on Jury Duty
Can you believe it? i actually got selected, empanelled and participating within a trial as we speak. When i first got the notice, i was actually quite looking forward to it, it means i get to take a break from work (which i need) without having to spend my annual leaves. I guess i consider… Continue reading Im on Jury Duty
One piece pics.
Posting from work! what a luxury it is to have a blog =P. Lets start off with a few awsome ones taken by our proffessional photographer Ray. Sanji strikes! Zoro strikes back! Clash of the titans! lol – check out the wonky legs =P
Vector robot of Alteisen
Few weeks ago, i started doing a Vector version of my favourite robot – PTX Alteisen, dont know about it? i’ll tell you more later on, hehe. Well what i did was, i found a low res image of Alteisen and decided to challenge myself and make it vector, so pretty much it was a… Continue reading Vector robot of Alteisen