omg! 2 entries in 1 day?? that means i can skip next week >D This blog theme was designed in a period of stress and with a sense of urgency. It was an exercise to revise my web-design skills. Looking back at it now, i can see many flaws in the design. As i will… Continue reading blog – fixup
Category: Blog Updates
I’m back!
whether you like it or not….Im back. Well I didnt go anywhere in the first place. I just wanna spend more time on the blog, because I have alot more time now. lol My target is minimum 1 entry per week, ok its a big challenge, lets see how long i can keep it up! … Continue reading I’m back!
Blog of Jaychan new version launched!
First of all, Happy New Year! to start this year off, i have worked hard to bring the latest version of my blog online. But i didnt do it all myself, Chibi has been helping me with bits n pieces, so i have to say thanks! Back to the good old days now, this theme… Continue reading Blog of Jaychan new version launched!
long time no post!
Its been a while, and alot has happened. Alot of people have asked me to get a facebook account or why i dont have one. The answer to that question is, i havent had time to make an account. The time taken to write this blog entry is probably more than enough time for me… Continue reading long time no post!
Introducing the J2 Series
Another era has begun, and its time to give the Jaychan signature a bit of a makeover. From today – 16th March 2009, all my designs will have this logo as part of its signature. I hope to distinguish my new works from my previous and of course to take it to another level. I… Continue reading Introducing the J2 Series
Gallery up and Running
After fiddling around for a while, I finally grasped how to use the Gallery Plugin “NextGen”. Surprisingly easy to use but alot of configurations needed. But anyway, I’ve just uploaded a bunch of SRW original artworks under ‘SRW Artworks’ section, and i think it looks great. Or you can click Here to view it Enjoy… Continue reading Gallery up and Running