Something’s up with my body. I’ve been getting stomache aches and feeling really tired in general. This has really affected my productivity. I can’t make proper use of my time!. Luckily I’ve been taking some probiotics and starting to feel a bit better. Must stay focused – life is a grind! (when you start modelling… Continue reading Not feeling too well
Author: Jaychan
Dai-2-Ji SRW OG Release date 29th Sept
Bandai has finally announced the release date for OG2. Wow this is much earlier than I expected! Lots of pressure to complete Deep Striker by then haha. Will try my best but. Progress on S-gundam has been pretty good. It is roughly 16% complete now. On track for completion by the end of month =)… Continue reading Dai-2-Ji SRW OG Release date 29th Sept
The next 3D gundam: EX-S
Revealed! My next gundam 3D model will be the EX-S. Isn’t she cute? Wish I really could model her though =P. This one is really gona be a challenge. It’s actually much more complicated than Alteisen. Just the boosters have like a million parts. I’ll try my best to replicate it and make it look… Continue reading The next 3D gundam: EX-S
New Dai-2-Ji SRW OG Screenshots
Here are some much better screenshots of OG2. Also thanks to Mangudai for sharing this link to famitsu which contains all the screenshots, you can see all the screenshots here There are some really interesting robots making a return. I have the screenshots below with some comments to make. An unknown pilot with… Continue reading New Dai-2-Ji SRW OG Screenshots
Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen OG!!!!!!!!
OH—————MY—————-GOD Today is one of the most exciting days ever! Super Robot Taisen is finally coming to the PS3 !!!!!!! you dont know how long I’ve been waiting for this (T_T) and what’s more, its gona be the sequel to Original Generations!!!!!! RaAAAGHHHH I feel enormous energy surging from my body as I type this!… Continue reading Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen OG!!!!!!!!
The next major 3D Gundam Project
First of all, I’m sorry for the really quiet week. I’ve been busy, and no I wasn’t sleeping. It was my birthday =). I thought I would give myself a personal holiday and just do what I want to do, things that I wouldn’t consider very productive. I’ve been watching movies, playing games, listening to… Continue reading The next major 3D Gundam Project