I shall also write a reflection of 2011 entry and see what’s in store for 2012. 2011 resolutions: Become even stronger, work even harder and more frequent at the gym than ever before – became a little stronger, but wasn’t enough! not quite satisfied. Stay healthy all year long – Was fairly healthy throughout the… Continue reading 2012 has arrived
Author: Jaychan
Replaying Chrono trigger on iOS
Chrono Trigger came out on iOS 4 days ago and I just had to get the game pretty much imediately as if it was first released. I’ve been talking about this game pretty much all my life. I get asked alot about which is my favourite final fantasy series. Well you know what? my favourite… Continue reading Replaying Chrono trigger on iOS
Back from my hiatus
It’s been a while since I last blogged so I think it’s time to perform a backup of my memory incase I forget =) Firstly, gota welcome Markuz back to Oz as he returned from HK on a hellova trip – in a good hellish way. Thanks for the gundam Battle online game! I’ll see… Continue reading Back from my hiatus
PS Vita Rainie Yan stuff up
I had such a good laugh when I first read about this. During a Press conference in Taiwan, Spokeswomen Rainie Yan (a Taiwanese celebrity) was there for the media. During her time on stage she was asked what her favourite playstation game was. She replied to the crowd “my favourite game is Super Mario Bros”… Continue reading PS Vita Rainie Yan stuff up
My new companion – Loppy!
I use to have a homebred baby rabbit called White Paws. It came as a surprise because I felt my rabbits were no longer fertile to have babies as they have already passed the breeding age. White Paws brought me much joy and reminded me how much I love rabbits. Because I’m so busy these… Continue reading My new companion – Loppy!
Project Ex-S stage 1 complete!
This took longer than I expected but finally, stage 1 S-Gundam 3D model is finally complete! I’m quite happy with the overall result. I paid extra attention to detail and reproduced all the logo’s in illustrator. This time I tried not to stray away too much from the original design like what alot of people tend… Continue reading Project Ex-S stage 1 complete!