My online Portfolio has been going under extensive reconstruction. Im happy to announce that it is currently around 60% complete! It will be more of an upgrade as oppose to a re-design. But every single element has been retouched to make it look and run better. I hope to have this completed before the… Continue reading Online Portfolio 60% complete
Author: Jaychan
Blog of Jaychan new version launched!
First of all, Happy New Year! to start this year off, i have worked hard to bring the latest version of my blog online. But i didnt do it all myself, Chibi has been helping me with bits n pieces, so i have to say thanks! Back to the good old days now, this theme… Continue reading Blog of Jaychan new version launched!
Spending Christmas at the Gold Coast
This year for Christmas, I took Chibi along with my family up to the gold coast. We drove in our 8 seating Carnival, taking up all 8 seats and filling up all luggage space, the car was once again 100% packed so well done! My car is the best, always fits everything! The driving took… Continue reading Spending Christmas at the Gold Coast
Development of infiniti Calluses nearing completion
I’ve been extrememly disciplined in playing the guitar recently. I have set myself a goal previously and have been sticking to it tightly. Playing the guitar on a daily basis has been levelling up my finger calluses. When i first started about 2 months back i was on phase 1 – which is minimal calluses… Continue reading Development of infiniti Calluses nearing completion
Re-learning guitar
Jotting this down for myself. This week i have started re-learning the guitar from scratch. Im studying the fundamentals and learning the theory. Im starting from the very basics of chord changing and finger techniques and will build up my skills from there. I feel my chord changes are still quite sloppy, so i will… Continue reading Re-learning guitar
Dissidia – a different reality
You know you love the game when you missed a train you were waiting for as it just departed in front of you without you knowing – did that make sense? Heres what happened: Today i left work pretty late, and when i got to wynyard station to change trains, i arrived at my platform… Continue reading Dissidia – a different reality