
Turned 23 this week, damn cant believe I’m this old already! People at work still call me a baby, I certainly dont think so. Have i reached the stage in life where i can fully sustain myself? I mean, i barely rely on my parents anymore. Yes they cook for me, provide me accomodation and… Continue reading 23…already

Happy <3 Years!

Today is me and chibi’s 3rd year together =) feels like its been much longer than that. Unfortunately this year it landed on a Thursday (the busiest day), so we couldnt meet up. Chibi had to work on her moonsticks and i had to work on stuff. No worries, will make up for it! <3… Continue reading Happy <3 Years!

Avatar in IMAX 3D

Happy Australia Day! What could be better to celebrate this special day than watching Avatar in IMAX 3D?? well to answer that question, if there was another movie just like avatar, but having gundams instead of stupid slow helicoptors and mechwarriors >D. Anyway, today Chibi and I finally watched the film, and i must say… Continue reading Avatar in IMAX 3D