Hey its been a while since the last post, its already May, Yay! I’ve been busy sleeping recently! Sydney’s weather has been pretty dreadful the past week – Cold, dark and windy. These are the 3 factors that cause drowsiness (well to me at least). So yeah, been pretty busy – sleeping. Even my poor… Continue reading Added some new simple features
Author: Jaychan
Wow…BEST Zeal remix ever!
I was doing some browsing last night and to my surprise, I stumbled across this absolute masterpiece! If you played Chrono Trigger, you would’ve heard of the amazing piece called “Kingdom of Zeal“. When I first heard it, it immediately made an indelible impact. Time has passed though, lots of remixes of it have been… Continue reading Wow…BEST Zeal remix ever!
Always think ‘while’ you act
Memorizing something sounds straight forward, however, more often than not, we find our thoughts drifting away without even knowing. Let me explain: Remember the last time when you casually check your watch to find out the exact time? You perform the action, twisting your wrist and raising your arm towards your eyes. You take… Continue reading Always think ‘while’ you act
SRWZ OST is Complete
Currently up to stage 42 in SRWZ2. The cast is just too massive, I don’t even know who to deploy to battle because there’s just too many units I want to use. So I’m planning to stick to a certain squad for my 1st run and will switch to the other squad on my 2nd… Continue reading SRWZ OST is Complete
SRWZ OST Disk1 is up
The hype these days are all about the latest release of Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen Z. But lets not forget that the music equally as compelling! Although this OST isnt of the PSP game, 90% of the tracks are the same. To this day I’m still flabbergasted with the sheer awesomeness of SRW Z2, really… Continue reading SRWZ OST Disk1 is up
Dai-2-Ji SRWZ and FF Distant Worlds
It was such an eventful week I really don’t know where to start! SRWZ came out last thursday and I went to watch the much hyped Final Fantasy Distant Worlds Orchestra on the 15th. I Have to begin with Final Fantasy (Sorry SRWZ!) because its not that it’s more awesome or anything, but SRWZ is… Continue reading Dai-2-Ji SRWZ and FF Distant Worlds