My Graduation

Yayyy, i finally graduated! this means, no more tests, no more study, lectures, tutorials, and of course no more assignments!……actually, i couldve said this 6 months ago =P. As unimportant as it may sound, graduation does mean alot to me. Its probably the last time everyone in BDM will get together in one place (not like we were always together at uni…but yeah), some faces will probably never be seen again, so its great to see everyone dressed up in that smart looking gown.

Too bad our graduation ceremony was the 6:30pm one, which means alot of families turned up really late and it was already very dark to take photos. Wish i had taken more pictures with my family as they arrived really late, especially my bro who came at 6.

Thanks to those who turned up to my graduation, and goodluck and congratulations to all those now with a Bachelor of Digital Media degree =).

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