My lookalike ??

I was going through sorting out my pictures in Aperture and stumbled across something rather funny. I was doing some face sorting of myself. Basically Aperture picks up similar faces of the person and recommends them in a list for you to confirm.

This is the result for my list..

Looks familiar aye? but who is that guy on the 4th frame?! how does he look anything like me ?? This is beyond atrocious, and thats not it, wait till you see the picture where Aperture picked up the face…are you ready?

Yeap, some stranger right behind my mums head ~~”. No wonder I look disappointed in that photo


  1. Are you telling me the people in the first three photos aren’t you? If so, that’s freaky :|.

    Dude, that forth guy is awesome! Where’s the love man zomg.

    1. LOL no they are me, i sorta made it sound like they’re not…^^”

      Yeah he looks like your type, he’s probably saying “IS THIS THE INTERNET?!”

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