Alright, prepare to read the most *takes deep breath – intensively interestingly awsomely exciting blog entry!
Today Chibi’s mum organised a BBQ at (actually, more like outside of…) Auburn Japanese gardens. Along with Chibi’s family friends Lawrence and his mum and peggy, MZ, Ray and his ‘New’ gf Florence also came along. We were all a bit concerned about the weather because throughout the week, the predicted forcast for today changed from Cloudy -> possible thunderstorms -> possible showers…however, luckily it was only just a drizzle for like 5 minutes, other than that, it was extremely good weather =). Now firstly, i was about to show off my awsome cooking skills, but because i couldnt grab the tools in time, florence ended up cooking, and i just ended up watching besides her and thinking “hmm…whens the food ready ^^”…Shortly after that, MZ took over the cooking and i took over the eating, lol..and after that Kerry took over the cooking and by then i was already too full to eat anymore ^^”.
ahh thats better…
Chibi and i were like starving because we didnt eat anything for breakfast, we were happy to see this method cooks 10x faster than using aluminium foil…lol.
Did chibi and kerry just stab a bark through Marks head ??
MZ – A spoon goes really well with a cup…
The food was fantastic, meat really goes well with an empty stomach, although ray would not agree =P, but at least the salad was really nice wasnt it? thumbs up for Chibis mum!
Afterwards, we went to the kids playground to um….play. We discovered the swing thing-o-magic that chibi was talking about was still there so we had TONS of fun on it.
then for some good old monkey bars..
and finally, us trying to be kids (very much like kids trying to be adults, lol)
Overall, it was a very fun day, good weather, good food, good company, it was nice to meet Florence. Cant wait to have another bbq ^^.
“Shortly after that, MZ took over the cooking and i took over the eating” hahaha..thats’s funny =p Surprisingly I didn’t even bother to do any of the cooking this time… plenty of willing ppls anyways ^^;
And awww… I loved that little house we at squeezed our heads into ^^
Hahaha…. yes, it was nice indeed.
“MZ – A spoon goes really well with a cup…” — HILARIOUS!!!
Isn’t he holding a fork?
oh yeah, thats a fork, but that was what i had in mind, not a spoon…lol
I could agree in 100%.
He’s the best part if this.
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